Read on to learn more about who we are and what we value as a school as well as information on Thinkers who Inspire us and Cultural Capital.
Our school day begins at 9am and ends at 3.30pm. School is open to children from 7.45am until 5.30pm every day. We offer structured programmes including ‘Early Birds Club’ from 7.45am to 9.00am and an after-school club every day of the week from 3.30 pm to 4.30pm before wrap-around care from 4.30pm to 5.30pm.
A warm welcome to all from our thriving 175 year old church school. We have a talented, experienced teaching staff, exceptional adult-to-pupil ratios, supportive parents and wonderful, engaging and hard-working children. In the last five years the number of pupils in the school has doubled - testament to the dedication and warmth of our staff and the incredible support we receive from our parents and community. In addition, we have a governing body with a unique range of skills and experience. By working together, we are determined to continue to achieve the very best for our pupils.
We love Sport and Exercise (see our sports events list here)
Through our Golden Threads, we provide our children with a secure base of experience and nurture and the opportunity to become the best person they can be.

I am proud and privileged to be Headteacher of Mugginton Church of England Primary School and would urge all to visit our school and experience our warm, supportive and purposeful ethos. We work hard to be a second family to our parents and children because this leads to healthy, happy and successful children. We are committed to broadening children’s horizons by offering unique and exciting learning experiences, including Japanese language and cultural activities and the use of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering (STEM) topics and ICT applications to increase motivation, optimise teaching, support learning and the acquisition of Cultural Capital. We are learners as well as teachers and love the challenge of applying research into the real world of the classroom. Click on this link for some of the Thinkers Who Inspire Us at Mugginton

We are very proud of the exceptional quality of work our children produce and of their superb academic progress. However, we are far more than an ‘exam factory’. Our children benefit from an incredibly rich and varied curriculum – for example, our music teacher delivers over 45 piano, flute and clarinet lessons per week! In addition, we work hard to offer our children frequent opportunities to experience a range of sports, including swimming, dance, running, racket and team sports and to represent our school in sporting activities. All children and parents have the opportunity to join staff (including myself!) for a 5km run around the village twice a week. Linked with this, we are committed to giving the children lots of opportunities to learn out of doors – in a beautiful village like Mugginton, it would be wrong not to! Friday afternoon is Forest Friday, when we spend the afternoon in the forest learning in the outdoors.

We recognise the challenges parents face balancing busy working lives with their children’s schooling. To reflect this, the school is open to children from 7.45am until 5.30pm every day. We offer structured programmes including ‘Early Birds Club’ from 7.45am to 9.00am and an after-school club every day of the week from 3.30 pm to 4.30pm before wrap-around care from 4.30pm to 5.30pm.
Our vision is a school environment with a Christian ethos which prepares children for life in 21st-century Britain - somewhere they feel safe and confident, are recognised as individuals and where success is attainable by all.
Joseph Green