Partnership with parents
We believe that education is a collaborative enterprise involving parents, staff, children, governors, the Local Authority and a range of other agencies. We are committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between home and school to secure the best possible outcomes for our families.
We aim to:
empower all parents to feel a sense of ownership and connectedness as part of our school community. To help them to be involved in their child’s learning and development.
have a strong and trusting partnership with all parents
ensure that all communication with parents is effective, clear and jargon-free
actively involve parents in the education and progress of their child
make good use of parents’ expertise and willingness to support our school to optimise our curriculum and offer unique learning opportunities for our children.
provide an effective induction for all groups of parents
Regularly establish and act upon the views and opinions of parents
Parental Questionnaire Results, January 2022
Whilst we are proud of maintaining the high quality feedback from parents we received at our last Ofsted inspection and also in earlier questionnaires, we are committed to acting on the constructive feedback we receive from parents. Please see letter to parents sent out following analysis of the most recent questionnaires in January 2022 as an example of this commitment.
Parents and carers are the child’s primary educators. There is a strong relationship between parental involvement in education and positive learning outcomes. At Mugginton we believe that a genuine and honest partnership between parents and school is central to pupils achieving their best. We work hard to be a second family to our children and want to work in partnership with the parents of our pupils. Partnership starts with open, trusting and respectful communication. We understand that sometimes issues may arise and we ask that you always speak with us directly if you have a query, respecting the fact that all our staff want nothing but the best for the children in our care. We have a Code of Conduct for parents and carers which we expect all to adhere to and ask that you remember that our staff are human beings as well as dedicated professionals.
We ask that you:
· Contact school directly if you have a query and discuss it with us openly and honestly
· Do not speak negatively of the school or of individual staff on social media
· Follow the procedures set out in our school policies (available on the school website)
· Always remember that our staff want nothing but the best for you and your children
Parent Support
We welcome and value parents’ help in school, whether they have a specific talent or skill or can assist with more general activities. Parent involvement can include listening to children read, helping with cooking, gardening and art/DT, computer skills, or accompanying educational visits. If parents wish to help in school, they must hold a current DBS certificate, which is simple to organise and can be applied for via the school office.
Here are some of the ways we stay in touch with parents at school.
We also encourage dialogue through homework, Reading Record Books and informal discussion between teachers and parents. There are lots of opportunities for communication and also a range of events in the school calendar where families and staff get together such as our termly dog walks; Sports Days, Christmas and Summer Fayres; school productions, church services and sporting fixtures.
Teachers are happy to receive brief messages in the playground at the beginning of the day. Parents can also email their class teacher directly or leave a message about their child with the school office. If parents would like a longer discussion with the class teacher, they can do so at the end of the day, ideally with a pre-organised appointment.
To make good use of parents/carers’ expertise and willingness to support our school, we encourage them to:
Read and sign our annual Parental Permissions/Home-School Agreement document
volunteer to support in school
attend school performances, events and celebrations
become involved in school projects
join or support our FOMS Fundraising Group
become parent governors
support your children with homework
read with your child every night and sign their reading record
To provide good induction for all groups of new parents/carers we:
ensure that our prospectus is detailed, informative and up to date
ensure that our website is detailed, informative and up to date
ensure that our School Twitter account is detailed, informative and up to date
provide opportunities for all prospective parents to find out about our school by visiting us
provide opportunities for parents to discuss all transitional decisions
ensure information is produced and distributed appropriately, taking account of parental needs and views
To establish the views and opinions of parents/carers of the school we:
provide bi-annual opportunities for parental questionnaires and inform parents of the results
ask parents to evaluate key events in school
seek parental consultation on key issues in school
consult on key policies and procedures (e.g. our Relationships & Sex Education Policy and Remote Learning procedures).

Further advice is available here: