Things we are proud of…
We are proud of our broad and balanced curriculum. It is our belief that outstanding academic progress and outcomes is best achieved through a rich, creative curriculum with focus on the outdoors, music, arts and sport rather than through an over-focus on ‘teaching to a test’ in the core subjects. Our children become fluent, confident and engaged readers by experiencing a variety of books and stories throughout the school day rather than in a single discreet lesson only.
Inquisitive, happy and motivated children, who feel valued, learn best. Our teaching and learning practices reflect this belief.
There is nowhere like Mugginton! We are a small school where many of our children live out of the traditional catchment area or have joined from other schools. As a result, we are accepting of everybody and are a second family to our children.
Our adult-pupil ratios are exceptional - approximately one adult for every six children. This does not include our additional 1-1 tutoring and our SENCO, Mrs Dennis and allows us to teach in small groups and offer real individualised learning.
Mugginton is listed as the only Primary School in Britain to teach Japanese as our modern foreign language (Mr Green is a fluent speaker), emphasising our commitment to Global Education.
Our children are kind. They look after each other and the older children take responsibility for the younger children. Staff know every child as the unique individual they are.
We work hard to build self-confidence, inspire creativity and encourage our pupils to develop a love of music. Mrs Etherington (Corrina) teaches around 50 music lessons each week as well as organising whole school music sessions for both the infants and Juniors as well as our Nativity, Panto and Play.
Our academic outcomes are extremely strong. In 2019, the last year of national assessments, our progress measure in reading and writing were 7.2 and 4.4 respectively. In 2018, our mathematics progress score was 6.9.
We are an outward looking school and love going on trips. Highlights include the Houses of Parliament, Rollerworld, termly walks in the Peak District, Young Voices concerts, Lea Green Residentials and, most recently, the Museum of Making in Derby.
We love Sport! Teachers and Teaching Assistants join parents and over 30 children for our twice weekly running club – the Mugginton Mile. We provide a wide range of exciting activities each week and take part in many sports competitions with other local schools. We provide a free after-school sports club every Monday to encourage all our children to be active.
We know learning should not be limited to classroom-based activities only. Every Friday afternoon the entire school visit local woods to partake in Forest Friday activities. See the factsheet for more details.
Our school dogs, Monty and Milly, support our children by listening to them read, going for walks and working with them in the classroom.