School lunches are provided on a 3 week rotation on a 6th month menu (October half term to Easter, and Easter to October half term) and fulfil nutritional requirements. There is a choice of main/vegetarian options each day with a choice of vegetables and dessert. Salad, bread and water are provided every day. The menu is available from Derbyshire County Council’s website or on the link. School dinners are paid via the ParentPay app.
School lunches are provided free by the government for all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
For Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 3-6) they are charged at £3.25 per meal, or £16.25 a week. Meals are paid for via the ParentPay app.
Pupils may bring a healthy packed lunch if they choose to not have school dinners.
Lunches are eaten in the classrooms as we have no school Hall. Children serve as dinner monitors to support younger children, and all pupils are encouraged to tidy up after themselves and often eat alongside their teachers.
Playtime snacks
One portion of fruit is provided daily for all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, as part of the Government's free fruit for schools scheme. Pupils may also bring a healthy snack from home (fruit, vegetable sticks only). The School Council agreed that chocolate and crisps should not be brought to school as a snack. Fresh water is provided at all times.
More information is available the council’s school lunches page below.