Governors are the heart of the self-improving school system. It takes a lot of commitment, and a considerable amount of time, to fulfill their many responsibilities - it is easy to forget that they are volunteers!

Governors are regulated by statute and their actions are carefully and comprehensively prescribed.

Composition of the Governing Body is determined by the “Instrument of Government”. We have decided on the following composition (although this is a change from the past and may change again):

  • Parents – 3

  • Staff – 2

  • Foundation (Church) – 2

  • Local Authority – 1

  • Co-opted – 2

a total of 8 Governors. 

Governors are elected or appointed for a term of four years. Details of all the Governors at Mugginton are posted in the entrance to the school and in the Governing Body Information Sheet.

We operate a committee structure where a lot of the work that is required of Governors is delegated to one of the committees:

  • Resources Committee

  • School Improvement Committee

Meeting dates are fixed well in advance and are available on the Governor Meeting Schedule.

The attendance of Governors available here.

The Governor impact on the school during the year is recorded in the Annual Statement andGovernor objectives are reviewed each year.



New Governor Induction Policy

New Governor Induction Pack

All Governors are subject to the Code of Conduct for Governors.

Governor visits follow the guidelines in our Governor Visits Policy.


The statutory instrument for Governing bodies is:
The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013

There is also Departmental Guidance on these regulations: The School Governance Regs 2013- Departmental advice

and the statutory guidance is: The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools

The most recent document relating to Governors and their functions and responsibilities can be found on: Governor Handbook and Competency Framework

The latest on Governance and Role descriptors is on: Maintained School Governance: Structures and Roles

Governors must also ensure that the school web site meets current DfE requirements as set out in: What maintained schools must publish online



"Governance has never been more critical to the education of our nation’s young people. The governance duty is, above all, to drive relentless ambition for the young people served by our schools system, whatever the circumstances."

Baroness Elizabeth Berridge Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools 2020


Governors are required to complete a Declaration of Pecuniary and Personal Interests. (This is checked each meeting) Any interests so declared will be published here:

No Governor
