Our Curriculum

Our curriculum intends to provide children with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital to succeed in education and prepare them for a future in 21st century Britain. We believe primary schools should not be homogeneous entities. We have worked hard to develop an identity right for us - an identity rooted in the physical aspects of the school: our location (a rural area of Derbyshire), size (60 children, taught in mixed age classes) and the human aspects: our teaching and support staff, our Church and local community, our children and their extended families. By rooting our values in people and place, we give our children a secure base of nurture, love, high expectations, knowledge and rich, meaningful experience ready for the next stage of their lives. Read more in our documents below.


2021 – 2022 Curriculum Statement

 Timetable and Curriculum Vision

An example of a weekly timetable illustrates the broad curriculum covered.