Friends of Mugginton School is the best of our community. It is open to all of our parents who are willing to offer their time to support our school through fundraising and other community/school events and initiatives.
FOMS Committee
Chair - Kate Marshall
Vice-Chair - Kelly McLaren
Treasurer - Maggie Bennett
Secretary - Natalie Archer.
Friends of Mugginton School (or FOMS for short) was formed in October 2002 by a group of parents who were keen to raise funds for the school while also providing entertainment and fun for the parents, children, staff and the wider community.
Events have included Quiz nights, Family Bingo evenings, Millionaires' evenings, Promises Auctions, Raffles, cake sales, tombolas and end-of-term parties. The money raised by FOMS has been used in a number of ways including the purchase of the Gazebo, the adventure equipment and the new playhouse in the playground.
FOMS have also purchased a new cooker for use by the "Early Birds Cookery Club” - every Thursday morning at 8.00 am, a new football kit for the juniors and a range of new and exciting resources including new books for KS1.
FOMS have also paid for theatre groups to come into school and supported the many visits the children make throughout the year - particularly by meeting the expensive transport costs. The committee meetings are informal and are usually held once a term. New members are always welcome but volunteers on a casual basis are also needed.
Please feel free to contact any of the committee members if you are interested. Details of FOMS and FOMS activities can be found in the latest newsletter.
FOMS 2022 AGM Minutes
Welcome Letter

FOMS Activities
FOMS organise a number of activities during the year
A very generous donation from F P McCann to support FOMS activities.
New Footie kit supplied by FOMS - don't they look great.