MPS has developed an in-house system of assessment. Children are assessed against core objectives in each subject via work scrutiny, test performance and observation. A score of 1-9 is awarded for each objective with 1-3 being Below the Expected Standard, 4-6 Meeting the Expected Standard and 7-9 Working at a Greater Depth. Assessments take place each term; staff have ‘Pupil Progress Discussions’ with the Headteacher twice per year to evaluate data and plan additional support for pupils

The advantages of this system are:

  • Using the coloured system, progress and attainment are easy to measure, describe and track over time.

  • Children at risk of falling behind are quickly identified, and specific gaps (which of the key objectives can’t they do?) can be corrected.

  • It is a ‘teacher-led’ system. It does not use a complex (and expensive) computer algorithm to decide where the pupils are; staff use their professional judgement and expertise to make assessments.

A copy of a PowerPoint presentation about the assessment is available here.