
Every child has unique and intrinsic value. We focus on the right of every child to receive an education that enables them to make progress, so that they achieve their best, become confident individuals leading fulfilling lives and make a successful transition in to adulthood.

At Mugginton Church of England Primary School we have high aspirations for every one of our pupils. We focus on improving outcomes for children with SEND to enable them to meet their full potential and make a successful transition to secondary school.

As a small school, we all take responsibility for ensuring that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We work in partnership with our families, ensuring that children, their parents/carers are fully involved in decision-making.

We nurture our pupils, encouraging them to have high expectations of themselves, building confidence and self-esteem. We strive to give our children the curriculum and experiences they need in order to be life-long learners who are curious, creative, respectful and sensitive towards the needs of others.

What do I do if I believe my child may have a special educational need?

Communication is key. If you believe your child has a SEND please discuss your concern with your child’s teacher first. After discussion about how your child is getting on in class, you can decide together some strategies to provide additional support in the classroom. This will be monitored closely by the class teacher and progress will be shared with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and the Headteacher.

If your concerns remain after a period of time, the SENCO will arrange a meeting with you and the class teacher to offer more focussed advice and guidance. The SENCO may decide that your child needs to be placed on the SEND Register so an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be drawn up and further support provided. This is done in collaboration with parents, teachers and SENCO.

Support may comprise ‘intervention groups’ with the SENCO or with outside professional agencies such as Speech and Language and Autism Outreach. If further additional support does not result in progress, specific targets will be set, outside agencies will be informed and regular (at least termly) meetings will be held with parents to monitor progress.

Regardless of the level of SEND, we recognise the vital importance of a collaborative approach between school and home.

Click on this link for a brief description of a former parent of a child' with SEND’s experience at Mugginton.

Click on this link for a description of a former child with SEND’s experience at Mugginton.

The SENCO at Mugginton is Mrs Emma Dennis

Mrs Dennis has over 20 years teaching experience across 3 local authorities and has been teaching at Mugginton for over 7 years. She completed the National Award for SEN Coordination in 2021 (see certificate below).

Mrs Dennis currently has no class teaching responsibility which allows her to focus solely on supporting children with SEND by running catch-up groups; intervention and liaising with parents and other specialists.




A former parent’s experience

A former pupil’s experience

Anti-Bullying Policy

cHILDREN’S Anti-Bullying Policy


Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Green

Designated Safeguarding Lead: 1st cover
Monday, Tuesday: Mrs D Wallen; Wednesday - Friday: Mrs E Dennis

Designated Link Governor for Safeguarding
Mrs C Stroud